“You cannot serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other. (Matt. 6:24)”
I have been long torn between being at work and ministering in a church, but I have no choice except to work in a secular company rather than in a ministry because being in the ministry cannot help me support my family. The verse above made me feel like I am serving two masters—work (which equates to money in some sense) and God.
Through the book “A Man’s Guide To Work” I learned that the Christians who are working in the market place (business field) is as equally called as those who are working full time in the church like pastors, deacons, and ministers. This boosted my morale over what I am doing as I have been long torn between being at work and working in a church. It is through this book that I learned that what ever work a person is given (be it in a secular or Christian environment) it is God who appointed them in that position to be used for His glory.
The book also tackles the biblical truth on how to minister in your workplace ethically. This book broke my belief that as a Christian I should be radical in sharing my faith to my coworkers during office time or while I am in the office, but it is unethical. It is not right to use the time that the company is demanding from me to be able to do my job and use it for something else. Jesus said, “give to Cesar what is Cesar’s and give to God what is God’s.” Do not get me wrong, I’m not saying that as Christians we should not share the word in the work place. What I am trying to say is that we put it in the right place and time. We can share our faith to a co-worker during lunch breaks, coffee breaks, or even after office hours. But not during the time of work. This way, the people around us will have a good impression over Christians in the workplace. Always bear in mind that we are called to be “Good witnesses”, in view of that we must be careful not to soil our witness by being unethical with our actions.
Another point that this book taught me is to always aspire for excellence, Christians must be known in their workplace as someone who is reliable, trust worthy, and disciplined. Paul said in one of his epistles, “Slaves, serve your master as though you are serving God himself.” As an employee (slave) I cannot afford to settle for second best since I am serving not man, but God. My bosses are just figure heads. They are not really the ones that I am striving to do my best for in this workplace. It is God.
I can go on and on sharing what I have learned from that book, but as one pastor would remind us, “It must be every Christian’s desire to know God more and more personally and in an intimate way – Epiginosko”. It’s for others to find out more Biblical truths that “A Man’s Guide to Work” has cited to inspire and encourage them to know God and live for Him… even in the workplace.
“A Man’s Guide to Work” by Patrick Morley is published in the Philippines by Church Strengthening Ministry, Inc. and is available for P260.
July 26, 2011
July 26, 2011
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